Tools Selection

Game Engine #

There is no single game engine that can solve every use case, so knowing what engines are available along with their strengths and weaknesses is an important choice to make. As such, Catalyst Softworks uses a variety of engines depending on the project at hand.

Unreal #

Unity #

Godot #

Visual Asset Production #

Photoshop #

Krita #

Gaining internal traction over Photoshop is Krita, an open source alternative that feels far more natural when doing illustrative work. Additionally, when compared to Photoshop, Krita tends to be more performant and, shockingly, stable when compared to Photoshop.

Procreate (iOS) #

Blender #

Arguably the most critical tool outside of the game engine itself… The bulk of our 3D work is done entirely in Blender, from modeling, UV unwrapping, animation, and even some simple texturing tasks are done directly inside this powerful open source tool. Additionally, Catalyst will often make use of Blender’s Python scripting tools to automate pipelines or reduce repetitive tasks. Some of these tools are even available as open source projects on our Github.

ZBrush #

Substance #

The Substance suite by Allegorithmic/Adobe is currently our primary toolset for creating complex PBR materials and painting textures. Most of our time is spent in Substance Painter, but we’ve recently been increasing our use of Substance Designer for direct use in engine.

Houdini #

Sketch #

Aesprite #

When it comes to projects that feature a pixel art aesthetic, Aesprite is our go to creative software.

Audio Asset Production #

Ableton Live #

Other #